Musings in the Mirror
Hesitantly I step back, staring at my iPad with an air of disbelief surrounded by a buzzing curiosity.
What can this all really mean? What or who is being seen?
Perhaps it is nothing more than deciding to update my webpage, and offer a little more of myself; shall I include the dreaded headshot? I decide not….. Perhaps a blog: Here I may share some of my thoughts about therapy, the incredible people I am blessed to sit with daily, some of myself and the therapeutic process.
Not only have I gained much knowledge on this journey, I have gathered many treasured experiences. These gifts from others deserve to be seen and more importantly heard. Writing to share some of these “Musings in the Mirror”; including lessons and insights on life, relationships, suffering, discovery, and light.
My hope with this way of communication and information; is to start conversations about mental health, our whole wellbeing, our culture, treatment and attitudes. Perhaps even to create a place where you as the reader decides to explore your own change with curiosity and the comfort of self-acceptance.
You have found yourself here this webpage; and then a little more curious to read further in this blog…..May there be a word or message that you find meaningful, and if for a brief moment causes you to pause, reflect, take a breath and exhale.